August 07, 2009

I trust my dearies♥

Todays NDP parade was superbb boring!Except for the song section larh!There was a little argument between classmates!But i told alice not to its no point.After we returned to class...We had the dont forget the lyrics activty...followed by a quiz..!After Mr Ho dismissed us immediately went to canteen to quench my thirst.Didnt even have time to drink...had to go for tamil supp class..!We were supposed to do compo test..but i admit it..i Farhan and geetha were talking all the while..hehe..So i wont be doing well for this test,:(.After finishing the test...everyone rushed home..But some were still in class..then mrs suresh was taking photo with everyone...((:.Soo ard 12 walked with geetha and gaya3 to the 7/11 busstop...but only geetha was taking bus..i and gaya3 went to NLB to meet denise,Alice and Xiumei.Slacked there for awhile..Then we walked to IMM..But there was a big terror..Miss Taha and Mr Ho were patroling there.Soo we quickly ran out like idiots!heh.They wanted to take the short route to go to chendana's hse..But it was really a wrong decision.Our legs kept getting stuck in the mud..A few of us nearly sinked in!!Freaky!Now i know how is it going to be in the Pasir Ris mangrove...!errs!We went to chendana's hse..then just was talking talking...!All of them came to know bout my deep seceret!Damn..But i do trust them!Reached home bout nearly 4!
And i have lots and lots of assignments to complete!:C

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