August 27, 2009

Finding a perfect gift is seriously complicated!

Phew!Prelims are over..but not PSLE.I'm disappointed with my maths marks...Mr Ho was advicing me during recess.soo yea..i should do more practices!I guess i will be getting my tamil and english marks tomorrow.Soo good luck to me.heh.Tomorrow is sis's and banie's B'dae.Happy advance wishes to both of you;).Teacher's day is coming soon and am still thinking what to get for mr.ho...!Today,i didnt manage to tell the proverbs to mrs.suresh in class.Soo after school went with Sakinah,Shaminah,Gaya3,Geetha,Reena,Sharsha,Farhan,Vinoth and Megallan to tell the proverbs.Joel and nasreen escaped but they are going to suffer tomorrow:PBasically,the day was awsome!Awaiting 2moro.Bye peeps.
-I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life.-

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