July 22, 2009

Dont under estimate fat people ehk!

Sickkk.Didnt go school.Thats what i am today.Darn.Prelims are nearing and i got to fall sick.Wow.What a suprise.Mom just came in.Probably She took time-off today.Yipee.Most of my close ones are also down with fever.):4 more days countdown for the liverpool match in Singapore.I dont understand how you people got soo much time on earth to be soo ahead in pet society.err..forget it.Recenlty i have been eating alot.i should stop it.If not i will end up like a huge fatso.But,dont under estimate fat people ehk!Prelims oral are on this coming week.El will be on monday,tamil will be on tuesday.Err.I hope i can cope with it.Pavi's back.I guess i have to accompany her to the snack bar.aites..gd luck ppl for your upcoming prelims!Do study ar!

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