July 30, 2009

My damn index finger!

Hey yawrs!School was well soo far.Expect for yesterday,i didnt go as i hurt my finger terribly.Dont laugh at my clumsiness ehk!I didnt realise that my hand was in between the door,and slammed with a hard impact due to the strong wind.Thats it.My index finger was a gone case.I felt that i was going to lose my hand.The hold hand became a blood clot.And the particular finger turned blue-black.It was soo freaky.Till now i cant use it to hold or touch anything.The best part was when i was suffering in pain my sis was laughing out her stomach.Darn her.haha.Today had sudden maths test which mr.ho took it soo seriously.Most of us were pissed off as we ran out time.Haizzz.Jus a few more quests.Anyways I am relieved and happy as for tl oral got above 40.
Congrats to kasthuri darling for her success of 48/50.Keep it up yea!Dad just got back my phone from the sony erricsson company which is soo near to my house.I will be going to get my 4GB memory card soon.Yea!Kies gtg.

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