July 02, 2009

"Rock With You"

Hey ppl!I didnt post for a week as my blogger went superr crazzy!Today school was fine.During music lesson,Ms.ong showed us few MJ's first moonwalk.And all those "out dated" ones started saying" WAH!".At first i was happy that nobody's sitting beside me in class,but today mr.ho asked wayne to sit beside me.I was like"err..hmm.nvm!".haha.Atleast,he's better than some other people. Tamil class rocked my day.Joined sakinah's grp for the day as a few class were out to S.centre.Tl teacher was telling how she was before her marriage.she said now she cant be as playful as before infront of her daughter as she's catching things fast.I do agree.Nowdays kids are too clever.Currently doing homework...and chatting with prema.Have to go for tuition later.IISH!R.city's getting excited..Probably because i'm richer...ehehe.Pavi just came back and has gone missing.Mj's sudden death triggered me.Those people who made him suffer like hell are soo_________.Now going back to my conversation.I dont want tension.

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