July 13, 2009

My new addidas watch!

1 I didnt change my blog skin

2 The skins are irritating

3Doubting whether i will be able to update continuosly

Bascially what happend those few days....


School was great!For PE we played baseball and group was defending.The opposition were strong soo we had to play carefully.But whatever it is..i feel sad for my shoes!haha.Ya they were all muddy and grassy as we played in the field.Eww!Luckily i got permitted to wash my shoes. Hmm the rest of the day in school was mr.ho's!At home nth much happened.Suprisingly i dozed off early..


School was awsome!SS was boring.Pe rocked as it was our turn to play.I couldnt hit the ball in my first attempt but the second one was good.Haha syahirah died as she was talking away.Its ok she still did her best.Yay I finished the round and i was a part of the point.But sadly that was the last baseball game.The H.edu relieve teacher has something wrong in her brains i guess.She brought us down for recess and brought us back.WTH.End up we didnt have recess till mr.ho came and brought us down.Then only 6 Loyalty was in the canteen.After that we went to the library to borrow a sports book.Tamil class was fun.Hehehehe I cant take it until now how mrs suresh looked at farhan when he said "Power sia sheevangi!"Hey group members thanks to me for my 87.5/90 for the tl paper!".No larhs eu three did well too!Came back home had slight fever.But i took medication.The rest of the day was nt soo gd as i fet nauseatic.


Granny came with her maid.Navin tagged along too.I did all my assingments by saturday.

The weekend were more than awesome to describe.lots and lots to say!

Went to school early.Tl teacher didnt come today.I felt very wierd in school today.Dunno y!As usual had supp class.But forgot to bring back my clay home.*WEEPS*Went back home with Sakinah,Arthi,Le min.I feel very free today.Haiyoo.Mom and Dad will be coming ard 9.Gm is lost in her world!oh god!The maids Milo is diluted.Thats why i always ask mommy or sis to make me milo.Kays.Sis is waiting to use the net!!!No more stories.Yay i am gonna get my new addidas watch soon!Byesss!

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