July 27, 2009

Love story'09

Today was freaky..My class was tested oral after recess.Mr.ho was one of the testers.So a afternoon session relieved my class.I kinda dislike her.We were given geometry worksheets to do while waiting for our turn.The two teachers who tested me are some unknown teachers.I have no idea whats their name till now.haha.School gave us the new ezlink today..and you know what!!!I felt like throwing away the card.I looked completly awkard.Its ok.Thats how i am still.
If i had the chance to change the pic i will definitely will.I cant be overwhelemd as el oral is over.Bcos this is just prelims not PSLE.2moro is Prelims TL oral.OH NO.Mdm Vanajah&Mrs Maran.They were once my mt teachers and i know they have high expectations.P6 tamil peeps please do well kay.Wish you all good luck and love y'all.Mrs suresh has set a high target for me.I better do well.After a period of time i have started crushing on someone.*SHY*.But i better do this after 12 october.I know abt me..when i concentrate on this stuff,i will drop in studies.So i will give the priority to studies first.My love story pauses....!Supp lessons are cancelled this week.
:)..But actually i am the one losing out.So ..a little sad larhs..haha.Dad just came back..He bought soemthing for teatime.I should go check it out eh!
Awaiting 12th OCTOBER!(She's too deperate ,more than that)

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