July 25, 2009

Its wierd eating a bitter lollipop k!

Today got up ard 10.30!So we decided to take late breakfast.I and daddy went to get the food.
After breakfast..started off with assignments.Not forgetting monday is Prelims EL oral.
Mr Ho kept scaring us that day with alot of freaky news.Mrs suresh asked us to practice our reading in the PSLE book.As monday she wont be seeing us and tl oral is on tuesday.
Omie!!2009 is soo soo fast.Anyways yest Mrs suresh gave all of us these lollipop that has different flavours.I got vanilla.Poor kidos who got chocolate,they didnt realise that its dark chocolate.hehe.I mean i do love dark chocolate..but its quite wierd to eat a bitter lollipop k!
soo..yest after school i was hanging out with shaminah opposite the school.We were talking craps.
I dont deny that actually we were gossiping.But thats what most girls tend to do!Bussed back home at 3.Mummy was sick.But she felt a lil better after a rest.In the evening we went for a badminton game.But it was so not fun due to some reasons.In the night followed mommy to clinic to get a MC for her.Bought back slurpee for me and sis.A while ago dad asked me whether i wanna tag along with him to IMM.But i prefered to watch the hindi movie.hees.
Soo now finding for blogskin and its not soo easy...Hope i will find a perfect one soon!
PS:You have to be perfect in appearence even for oral!

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