July 30, 2009

My damn index finger!

Hey yawrs!School was well soo far.Expect for yesterday,i didnt go as i hurt my finger terribly.Dont laugh at my clumsiness ehk!I didnt realise that my hand was in between the door,and slammed with a hard impact due to the strong wind.Thats it.My index finger was a gone case.I felt that i was going to lose my hand.The hold hand became a blood clot.And the particular finger turned blue-black.It was soo freaky.Till now i cant use it to hold or touch anything.The best part was when i was suffering in pain my sis was laughing out her stomach.Darn her.haha.Today had sudden maths test which mr.ho took it soo seriously.Most of us were pissed off as we ran out time.Haizzz.Jus a few more quests.Anyways I am relieved and happy as for tl oral got above 40.
Congrats to kasthuri darling for her success of 48/50.Keep it up yea!Dad just got back my phone from the sony erricsson company which is soo near to my house.I will be going to get my 4GB memory card soon.Yea!Kies gtg.

July 27, 2009

Love story'09

Today was freaky..My class was tested oral after recess.Mr.ho was one of the testers.So a afternoon session relieved my class.I kinda dislike her.We were given geometry worksheets to do while waiting for our turn.The two teachers who tested me are some unknown teachers.I have no idea whats their name till now.haha.School gave us the new ezlink today..and you know what!!!I felt like throwing away the card.I looked completly awkard.Its ok.Thats how i am still.
If i had the chance to change the pic i will definitely will.I cant be overwhelemd as el oral is over.Bcos this is just prelims not PSLE.2moro is Prelims TL oral.OH NO.Mdm Vanajah&Mrs Maran.They were once my mt teachers and i know they have high expectations.P6 tamil peeps please do well kay.Wish you all good luck and love y'all.Mrs suresh has set a high target for me.I better do well.After a period of time i have started crushing on someone.*SHY*.But i better do this after 12 october.I know abt me..when i concentrate on this stuff,i will drop in studies.So i will give the priority to studies first.My love story pauses....!Supp lessons are cancelled this week.
:)..But actually i am the one losing out.So ..a little sad larhs..haha.Dad just came back..He bought soemthing for teatime.I should go check it out eh!
Awaiting 12th OCTOBER!(She's too deperate ,more than that)

July 25, 2009

Its wierd eating a bitter lollipop k!

Today got up ard 10.30!So we decided to take late breakfast.I and daddy went to get the food.
After breakfast..started off with assignments.Not forgetting monday is Prelims EL oral.
Mr Ho kept scaring us that day with alot of freaky news.Mrs suresh asked us to practice our reading in the PSLE book.As monday she wont be seeing us and tl oral is on tuesday.
Omie!!2009 is soo soo fast.Anyways yest Mrs suresh gave all of us these lollipop that has different flavours.I got vanilla.Poor kidos who got chocolate,they didnt realise that its dark chocolate.hehe.I mean i do love dark chocolate..but its quite wierd to eat a bitter lollipop k!
soo..yest after school i was hanging out with shaminah opposite the school.We were talking craps.
I dont deny that actually we were gossiping.But thats what most girls tend to do!Bussed back home at 3.Mummy was sick.But she felt a lil better after a rest.In the evening we went for a badminton game.But it was so not fun due to some reasons.In the night followed mommy to clinic to get a MC for her.Bought back slurpee for me and sis.A while ago dad asked me whether i wanna tag along with him to IMM.But i prefered to watch the hindi movie.hees.
Soo now finding for blogskin and its not soo easy...Hope i will find a perfect one soon!
PS:You have to be perfect in appearence even for oral!

July 22, 2009

Dont under estimate fat people ehk!

Sickkk.Didnt go school.Thats what i am today.Darn.Prelims are nearing and i got to fall sick.Wow.What a suprise.Mom just came in.Probably She took time-off today.Yipee.Most of my close ones are also down with fever.):4 more days countdown for the liverpool match in Singapore.I dont understand how you people got soo much time on earth to be soo ahead in pet society.err..forget it.Recenlty i have been eating alot.i should stop it.If not i will end up like a huge fatso.But,dont under estimate fat people ehk!Prelims oral are on this coming week.El will be on monday,tamil will be on tuesday.Err.I hope i can cope with it.Pavi's back.I guess i have to accompany her to the snack bar.aites..gd luck ppl for your upcoming prelims!Do study ar!

July 19, 2009

Basically yest..went to catch Harry Potter and the half blood prince.It was great.
But the characters have changed alot indeed.Ron was such a betrayer in the first half of the movie.Went for the movie with dad and pavi.After the movie met up with mom.But before that,most importantly we bought doughnuts!!!hehe!2 hours ago i was eating my double chocolate donut.I will be eating my mouse choc ltr.Back to yesterday..Went to masala hut for lunch.The chicken biriyani was superliciouss!Thanks mom and dad for the fabulous lunch!After that pavi bought pants for her then cabbed back home.Watched Jillunu oru malai,,then did the art clay thing.Cheated a lil..haha.cos mom,dad and sis helped out.But i still did most of the stuff ehk!Den had light dinner which was heavy to me and dozed off.I still have 2 more assignmentss left.I hope i will finish it in time.
PS:Confirmed with nabilla for the liverpool match.(:

July 15, 2009

"I am getting my watch"

Just came back from school and off to aunts place.ISSH.Asiriyaye was back.In the evening will be going to IMM with mom and dad to get myself some stuff.:))Hope today will end well!!!Adios!

July 14, 2009

"You only hurt"

School was per normal.Asiriyaye didnt come today oso.Sadsad.:(.Went to sakinah's class.We were supposed to do work but didnt,we were talking all the way with kasthuri...Today went to lab to this report thing and mr.ho said this will be our last com lab lesson untill PSLE is over.err.Didnt manage to finish painting the clay during art lesson.Had maths supp.It was superb nice!Then was talking with alice and Ley yi opposite school for awhile.Then mom called me to say that she and dad will be going carrefour.I took '52' back home.Didnt manage to finish my toblerone but brought it back home and finished it.I hate pavi!!!!!!She resembles a devil to me today!Will be going out with sakinah during the weekends.Dad said he's bringing us to watch Transformers:Revenge of the fallen.Finally i am going to watch it.Yay.

July 13, 2009

My new addidas watch!

1 I didnt change my blog skin

2 The skins are irritating

3Doubting whether i will be able to update continuosly

Bascially what happend those few days....


School was great!For PE we played baseball and group was defending.The opposition were strong soo we had to play carefully.But whatever it is..i feel sad for my shoes!haha.Ya they were all muddy and grassy as we played in the field.Eww!Luckily i got permitted to wash my shoes. Hmm the rest of the day in school was mr.ho's!At home nth much happened.Suprisingly i dozed off early..


School was awsome!SS was boring.Pe rocked as it was our turn to play.I couldnt hit the ball in my first attempt but the second one was good.Haha syahirah died as she was talking away.Its ok she still did her best.Yay I finished the round and i was a part of the point.But sadly that was the last baseball game.The H.edu relieve teacher has something wrong in her brains i guess.She brought us down for recess and brought us back.WTH.End up we didnt have recess till mr.ho came and brought us down.Then only 6 Loyalty was in the canteen.After that we went to the library to borrow a sports book.Tamil class was fun.Hehehehe I cant take it until now how mrs suresh looked at farhan when he said "Power sia sheevangi!"Hey group members thanks to me for my 87.5/90 for the tl paper!".No larhs eu three did well too!Came back home had slight fever.But i took medication.The rest of the day was nt soo gd as i fet nauseatic.


Granny came with her maid.Navin tagged along too.I did all my assingments by saturday.

The weekend were more than awesome to describe.lots and lots to say!

Went to school early.Tl teacher didnt come today.I felt very wierd in school today.Dunno y!As usual had supp class.But forgot to bring back my clay home.*WEEPS*Went back home with Sakinah,Arthi,Le min.I feel very free today.Haiyoo.Mom and Dad will be coming ard 9.Gm is lost in her world!oh god!The maids Milo is diluted.Thats why i always ask mommy or sis to make me milo.Kays.Sis is waiting to use the net!!!No more stories.Yay i am gonna get my new addidas watch soon!Byesss!

July 08, 2009


Hey peeps.Apologies for the improper blog!Didnt have the time to edit.will do it 2moro.Thanks!(:

I am not feeling any connection

Today went a lil late to class.During music lesson ms.ong shared this 'School house rocks' video thingy.She said has a liking for this song"I dont belong".Tamil class seating is soo boring err.But atleast at my corners there are geetha,shaminah and sakinah.hehehe.Shaminah's finally back after her rest at home.Sat with tl students during recess.Before going back home we went to science lab.The experiment was kinda boring but had no choice you know.Went home alone today as i felt really really different and wierd today.Mommy will be back home very late and i wont see her till tomorrow.haiz.!Nvm.Daddy's still ard.(:Must catch todays red thread.Oh ya..did i ust forget about homework..Shit..i gotta run and finish up all assignments.How gundu can i be.err!I guess i will changing blog skin soon.Finally satisfied as parents has happily agreed to stop my centre tuition and apply home tuition.Actually they have applied ready!Thanks alot(:!
Soo i am not going there anymore.
Ps:Pavi thanks for putting MJ's moonwalk as the cursor.;)
To Alice:Have linked you already!

July 07, 2009

"Wats wrong with a girl and boy talking closely?"

Ugly Nerd!What a candit!!!

I guess this is the last school holiday of the month.The weekends were great.Fortunately i finished my loads of homework.On friday during tl supp class..everyone came to this conclusion.Its a little wierd to tell it here.I and farhan were like "wats wrong with a girl and boy talking closely?".We have been close since like primary 4 and we do tend to talk very closely.Kay.forget abt that issue.Haiyo...i have been eating lots of fastfood now dayss..Time for me to cut down ya.But mom just called to say she's ordering pizza tonight.issh..actually i should be happy.haha.Poor pavi she is filled up with lots of HW.hees.I have become a FB addict.I cant help it.I am getting millions of notifications in one day.errgh!I am laughing at my own reflection in the mirror now...hehehe.Lucky no one saw me!They would have probably thought i have contracted some diesease.Thinking of changing blogskin.gonna explore some nice ones.BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!((((:

July 03, 2009

-Hope is there-


I am currently damn buzy.But i still blogged as i was in this page viewing updates!

School was good.Dad just came home.He bought C.Ice blend and waffles.Thank You.
He looks different to me after his hair cut.Probably..I didnt see him after a haircut for a long time.
Kay..have to get back with homework.Navin wants to come here 2moro.Hopefully mom agrees.
Awaiting tomorrow..(((:

July 02, 2009

"Rock With You"

Hey ppl!I didnt post for a week as my blogger went superr crazzy!Today school was fine.During music lesson,Ms.ong showed us few MJ's first moonwalk.And all those "out dated" ones started saying" WAH!".At first i was happy that nobody's sitting beside me in class,but today mr.ho asked wayne to sit beside me.I was like"err..hmm.nvm!".haha.Atleast,he's better than some other people. Tamil class rocked my day.Joined sakinah's grp for the day as a few class were out to S.centre.Tl teacher was telling how she was before her marriage.she said now she cant be as playful as before infront of her daughter as she's catching things fast.I do agree.Nowdays kids are too clever.Currently doing homework...and chatting with prema.Have to go for tuition later.IISH!R.city's getting excited..Probably because i'm richer...ehehe.Pavi just came back and has gone missing.Mj's sudden death triggered me.Those people who made him suffer like hell are soo_________.Now going back to my conversation.I dont want tension.