August 16, 2010

Godmommy , RIP ! ♥

Woah , Its A Long Time Since I Bloghopped ... ! Many Thing Have Happened . Just Too Many To Elaborate .... GodMom Got Serious And Passed Away ! ;(
Three Deaths In A Year . WTH .. School 's Not That Great Except For MATHS And Friends . The Little Bunch Of Monkeys Who Loves Me Truckloads . && My Shayangs Sonia & Prasena♥ Prasu's Hug And Hand Made Me Feel Btr That Day ++ Mommy's Love Too . ILY My Prasena And Mommy Like Heaven .. Things Just Happened Too Fast , Tmr 's The 8th Day Prayer . Ponteng-ing School Tmr . Piggy 's Rushing Me , Will Come Back Tmr . Okayy , Byee !
(Lots Of Love )LOL ,
Sheevangi ♥

August 02, 2010

ILY Anneh ! Cheer Up ! ♥

Heyya People !

The Weekends Were Okayy . Baked Cake And Cookies TT Day , but the cake wasnt so successful . Godma Broke Her Thigh Bone As There Were Extra Cancer Cells There . I Couldnt Take It . Went To Visit Her Yest . Today , Damn Bad Mood .

1.Music Screening Test

The Guy From MOE Was Talking In Some Slang Of His , I And Jolene Couldnt Take It . Then This Stupid Thing . Boreedd ... Tiredd ...

2.Maths C.Test Result .

Woots ! I passed With Flying Colours : 29/40 = 73/100 ! ♥ OverJoyed !

3.Science & Art

Emo-ing , I 'm hating It TTC !

4.After School Incident + Slack

Slacked With Shankari And Dearies . Played Soccer , Will Upload The Vids And Pictas Soon . Mahlini Akka Was Cuddling Me , Heehee . [: Karthick Anneh Was Sick And He Didnt Expect A Disaster Tdy To Affect Him Too . I Also Didnt , && I Know How He Feels . Oh God , He Loves Me As A Sister Andd So Do I . Only I Know His Heart-Pain . Dont Worry Brother , This Lil Sista Always Thr No Matter What , ILY & Cheer Up. Mommy Rushing Me Now , Will Get BackTo Elaborate . Tatas .

Slacked With Seniors And Ashwin .

July 28, 2010

Hi Hi ^^
Aishah Cinoneh here! :D
Sheevangi told me to update her blog for her.

Okay, school nowadays just sucks.
The lesson is making us sleep.
Haish, today we had Aerobics Class.
Damn bored.

Oh well, that's all.
Tc (:

Do visit my blog yeaaaah? Aishah Cinoneh's blog

I love Sheevangi ttm :D

July 25, 2010

Cant Wait To Meet SkinnyBaby !♥

Halooo !

Waiting For School Tmr To End . Wheee ~

I Want This Weekends !

July 24, 2010

Off To GodMummy 's Crib ♥♥

Namaste Readers !

I'll Start From Friday ...


School Started Off With Science .Didnt Pay Much Attention , Was Writing And Scribbling Note To PrasenaBBY♥.Next MT Okayy Luhh , I And Thaaniyah Are Back . [: Went For Recess , No Mood Bcos Of SoreThroat .Then English Was Boring ! Fianlly Maths . Wheeee ~ Test Was Great . I Loved The PPR . Hope To Do Well . :DD

School Ended . Went For Drama Practise . Then Meet Mom , Go Study @ Mac !


Woke Up l8 Then , EatEatEat . Actually Lazy To Edit Photos , Then Edit . Uploaded . PrabhuGoneCrazyLikeSengkeyMonkey Alr . Ate Otah Puff . YumYum=P ! Now , Going To Pay A Visit To GodMa . Going To Train Down To Go To Her Crib ! Tatas . Will Update soon .

July 22, 2010

MC ! && Maths Common Test ! ;DD

HaLoooo !
1.Yesterday 's Awesome Dinner .

Pops Came Home Early . Then Bought Dinner Also . YumYum , From , ABC Hawker Centre . Then Skyped With KeshavAdek !
Didnt Go School Today . On MC , Cough Became Worst . ShitShit ! Shankari[i] Shayang , Helped Me Talk To TL Teacher . Woots . When I Woke Up , Only Pops Was @ Home . He Had To Rush To Work . Ate Maggi , YumYum ! [:
Hmm .. Chatting With PrasenaShayang . Lau Her TTC * HAHA . OhHellYeah , Maths Common Test Tmrw , Yet I Still Have Nt Started ... KayyKayy , I'll Leave Now . BuhBye .


July 21, 2010


H-AAA-Loo !!!

Peep-le ! (; Soo Yeahh , School Started At 7.30 . Woke Up Late For School , PURPOSELY . HAHA . Met GF's OTW . Shankar[i] Wanted To Go Home To Get Her Consent Form , It Was Lucky That I Saw And Stopped Her Siak . Gundu Laa My Baby . HEHES . Couldnt See Squirward BabyLove** @ The Busstop Today . SadSad): ! Nvm , Hope For Tmr Kayy .

1.PE Arobics Thingy

No Offence It Sucked , but was okay after awhile . Felt Uneasy At First Luhh . Then Shankar[i] baby kept behaving crazily with thaaniyah shayang . After ," Oh Africa " I So Happy Leh . But The Steps Seem To Be Like 'That' But How To Say Uhh , Macam I Shy . It Ended At 9.25 , Left ISH .

2.Racial Harmony Day [:

Nt Many From My Class Were Wearing Ethnic Costumes . I Also Didnt Wear , GFs Werent Wearing Except For Thaani .. Went To Hall , Saw Davita Akka[Shayang♥] . She Was Wearing The Costume , Her Classmates Insisted She Should Wear . The Kebaya Looks Sweet On Her . FurtherMore , R.E.D ♥ . Sweet Nye . Cinoneh AKA My Secretive Partner Looked Prettay . Cantik Nyee My Kakak . HAHA . Then Raihan . Elaisa All Got Prize. Kayy , CUTCUT .


Lessons Were Super Boredd . Felt So Exhausted . Super Sleepy . Even Noww , I Want To Sleep !! ^^

I Think Then Thats All , Quite A Bad Day @ Home . I Want To Sleep Tight . Buhbye , Readers .


July 20, 2010

SpongeBoB & Shankari ! ♥

Can-You-Hear -Me ?
Mourning Monday This Week As Usual . Soo , Cut . Today Was Awesome , Ashwin Spoke To Me About tt . Sweet Nie ~ I Am Like So Following Shayang 's Style . ERR . ^^
Then , Hush Has A Prob And I'm The MiddlePerson Again . Macam , WTH .
He Is Sucha Coward Siahh , No Offence . Seriously , Soo Pissed . OhYeahh , I & HushBaby Skipped Sexuality Talk . Hehehs , Bluek ! ++ I And Shankar* Shayang Solved Our Problem ! ILY bbylove ! ♥ Soo Eager To Know What Happened To Her , She Text Me Saying She Had A Heart Attack ! Ahh , I Wannt Too Knoww ! Meeting Her In The Morning , Woots ~

Tmrw ; PE+MUSIC Arobics @ 7.30 , Racial Harmony Day , Maths Class Test , DNT(SH)

BloodyHell , Expected To Wake Up For 9.30 School Tmr . But The Arobic Thing Is Sucha Spoiler . OhhHellYeah , I Hate My ClassMates Except For The Dearies , Will List Out SomeOther Time . No Offence Again . Chatting With Karthick Anneh ! Soo , BuhBye .

SheeVangi LoVes SpongeBoB !

July 18, 2010

WebCamming Rox ! Woohoo (;

Heyyy-llooooooo !!

I'll Start Off From What Happened Yest Kayy ..

Saturday ; Went To Harvey Norman , Shopping !! Bought New Stuff ! Weeee !---> WebCam , Oven , Mixer And So On ! Soo Excited To Make My CupCakes ! :DD Then Went To Visit GodMa , && Got A SHock Out Of My Life . Mom And I Started Crying Along With Her . The Hospital And Docs Have Given Up On Her . To Hell With Them . This Always Happens , I Dont Want To Go Thru , Like What I Went Thru For Granny . Now I Need Her , Dont Worry God-Mommy , Be Strong ! Miracles Do Happen For Wonderful ppl Like You ! [:


Went To Collect Stuff , Again Excited To Buy Stuff For CupCakes ! Yeahh ! Came Home , Started WebCamming With Pavi;Fighting Partner And With Keshav Baby . Then Cameroid Stole My Eyes . Hahas ! Now Chatting With Prasena Sayang + SugaShini Sayang ! Need To Meet Them Badly . Ahh , Theres Sch Tmrw .WTH ! I Want Friday Back ! Kayy , Adios Samigo !

July 16, 2010

100 Truths . ♥ BlueBerry CheeseCake

100 Truths .

1. Last beverage: Chocolate Milk .
2. Last phone call: Mommy
3. Last text message: Thaaniyah
4. Last song you listened to: BeWafa
5. Last time you cried: Monday

6.Love your classmate/schoolmate/squadmate: Yesha , Definitely !
7. Been cheated on: Nah .
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Nope !
9. Lost someone special: Yep ..
10. Been depressed: Yep..
11. Been drunk and threw up: Nah .

12. Red ♥♥♥
13. Hot Pink♥
14. Purple ♥

15. Made a new friend: Yesha , And I Love Them !
16. Fallen out of love: Nah .
17. Laughed until you cried: Yeap [:
18. Met someone who changed you: Uhmm , a little .
19. Found out who your true friends were: Yesha.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeap , But I Dont Bother Bout The BitchTard !"Apologies"
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Yeahh .
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: Almost Everyone .
23. How many kids do you want to have: Had Thought About It ..
24. Do you have any pets: Nah .
25. Do you want to change your name: Never !
26. What did you do for your last birthday: Deepavali Eve Blast .
27. What time did you wake up today: Mommy Woke Me Up At 6.50 Andd I was Late For school . Hehes .
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping Soundly + LaLaLand
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: New TouchP + New WebCam .
30. Last time you saw your Mother: Bef Going To Sch .
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Appearence/Knowledge . =B
32. What are you listening to right now: BeWafa ! Kept in Reapeat Mode ♥
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nah .
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: That Two Idiots .
35. Most visited web page: FaceBook..Blogger..
36. What's your real name: Sheevangi .
37. Nicknames: Sheeva , SmallGirl , Podichi
38. Relationship Status : Single [Att With Sugashini bby ! Hehes . Our Pleasure ]
39. Zodiac sign: Ox.
40. Male or female?: Female.
41. Elementary?: Fuhua primary.
42. Middle School?: Hong Kah Secondary .
43. High school/college?: Not Yet .
44. Hair colour: Black !
46. Height: !.6 CM
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: Uhmm , yesha .
48: What do you like about yourself?: My Unique-ness + Imperfect-ness ! ♥
49. Piercings: One Each In My Left & Right Ear . [Want To Get One At The Top Of My Left Ear]
50. Tattoos: Nope .
51. Righty or lefty: Righty .

52. First surgery: None.
53. First piercing: Ear piercings , When I Was 4 Years Old .
54. First best friend: Yasmin ! ♥ ... Atiqah & Nurliana .
55. First sport you joined: Dont Rmb .
56. First vacation: Malaysia , hehes .

59. Eating: BlueBerry CheeseCake ! YumYum ! ;)
60. Drinking: nothing.
61. I'm about to: Cough Out Loud ! ;)
62. Listening to: SomeBody To Love .
63. Waiting for: Mommy To Go To Harvey Norman . [:

64. Want kids?: Yep , After Settling Down In Life .
65. Get Married?: Yep , After Completing Studies .
66. Career?: Counselor .

67. Lips or eyes: Eyes .
68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs
69. Shorter or taller: Taller .
70. Older or Younger: Younger.
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic .
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Nice arms
73. Sensitive or loud: Loud .
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Hesitant .

76. Kissed a stranger: Nah .
77. Drank hard liquor: Nope .
78. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope .
79. Sex on first date: Nahh .
80. Broken someone's heart: I Dont Think So .
82. Been arrested: Nah .
83. Turned someone down: Yep .
84. Cried when someone died: Yeshh ]':
85. Fallen for a friend?: hehehs , unforgetful memory on 14/08/09 ! Yep , I Have .

86. Yourself: Often .
87. Miracles: Of course !
88. Love at first sight: Yesh .
89. Heaven: Yeahh .
90. Santa Claus: Okay Lah .
91. Kiss on the first date: Not Advisable . Lol .
92. Angels: Yesh .

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: Nah . TruthFul Eh .
95. Did you sing today?: Yeah , Kattu Siriki '
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: Nah.
97. If you could go back in time
, how far would you go?: P1 ! Hehes , IF i Had Changed SOmething Then .. !
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: November 19 .
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Very . But I Often Fall In Love .
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: Should Be .

July 15, 2010

Mommy To The Rescue ! ♥

Achoooo-oooo !
Only , A lil better . Awww , Tks all for your concerns . Am trying to recover ASAP . Dont Worry Sayangs , Esp ; Prasena . I will Eat Well and take my medicines . Playing SS @ the moment . hehe . Miss school , freak and them . hehes . had terrible bodyaches , had mommy to the rescue . Headaches much better now . Oh God , Heal Me soon . [:Yipee , Mommy 's Gonna Be Home With Me today . She might be bringing me to kent ridge l8r . Kayy Now , stomach 's grumbling . Mommy 's Calling me to come and eat . Whoosh !

July 14, 2010

Sick ! Fever ! Flu! Headache !

Ach-oooooo !
Went To The Doc Yest , He Gave 4 Kinds Of Medicine . Kayy , Actually yest was Skyp-ing with baby brother . Super cute , he made me recover a little . But Got Sickk In the evening again . Fever became Worst . arghh , ahh ! Headache , Body aches . Mom Will Massage My head again today with Au DE cologne . Tks For The COncerns My Sayangs , Davita , Prasena , Priya , . ♥
I Will reocver ASAP To see all of you . Kept Sneezing , Just Stopped . Gosh , Ahh ! Nvm , I will rst and follow my medicines . After so long asked mom to make oats , as i feel hard to swallow certain stuff . && SadSad I Cant Taste Anyt . No Mood To Watch Jodi / Eat also . Ouhh , Kayy will post again when i feel btr . BuhBye .

July 13, 2010

Flu.Fever.Headache ! Ahhh !

Haloooo !

School Kind Of Sucked A Little ! Ouh Nooo ! Caught Flu From Sis ! Its Soo Terrible . argh , i hope i gt super natural powers , to cure before tomorrow . Feel As though 1o ppl are tap dancing on my head siak . iish ! :'( ! Now rushing to the docs . Tell more when i recover . Whoosh !

July 12, 2010

Sugar's Mine ♥

Hell-00000 !
Lets Start From The Morning , Shankari And Hush Seems To Be Different Towards Me And I Dont Bother . But I Want To Know Whats Happening . Went To School After Meeting Them , Met Suzana HalfWay . Went For Assembly , then went to class . MT went kind of okayy , maths okay . EL Sucked ... Lots ! Unorganised ppl ?! Isshhhhhh ! Science was kind of good , there was false fire alarm . haha , always during science . Art sucked a little thought we did nothing . Mr . Shah Dismissed Us Early . Immediatelty went home without waiting . Was Talking To Thaaniyah OTW home . Shankari called and asked why i didnt wait for her . Then i was like 'oh shit , and regreted all of a sudden' . haiyas . Anw , I Miss Sugashini Sayang Too Much ! Am Att To Her , Shes mine ! Weeeee !~ Hehes . Currently Chatting With , Suga .. Frazil .. BM .. ! I feel like bueno-ing . hehes . Must Ask BM to buy and come . Kayy , fraking tired . Going to take a short nap . Then Do Work l8r . As usual , me and frazil were arguing . hehes ! oohh yayy , found my old pictas that i lost ! kk , smallgirl wants to sleep .
"What Goes Around , Comes Around"

July 10, 2010

SugaShini ; My Lover ♥

Holaaaa ! :]

I'm Back , I set-ed Alarm To Wake Up Early Today . For the first time , i wanted to wake up very early on a saturday . Unfortunately , I kept snoozing the alarm . Muahhahas . Finally , Done With Homework . Dad 's gonna help in the poster tmr . Will Be going to aunt 's house in the noon tmr . Boredd at the moment . Researching On Lit Pictas . Hmm ..

Kayy Now To My BBY SugaShini ; My Lover .

Suga : Heyy bby , me loves you no matter what . I care for you , and will there always . Dont Worry , I will ask you stead soon . Hehes , only mine kayy . Guys Out There , Dont Try woo-ing these hawtstuff . ;P She Makes Me Feel Like Heaven . Soo , Dont Worry & Dont Leave me Syg ! ♥♥

July 09, 2010

Keshav Rawkss ! ♥

Helloo000oooss !

Just returned from playground . Enjoyed Myself TTC with Keshav BBYLUV ! He 's going back tmr . SobSObSob ! I am gonna miss him like hell . Nvm , cn webcam with my bby . 8 Months Old Yet A Heart Throb-Er . :DD ! School Was Okayy , Explained About NPCC to MDM Vasanthi . Yipee ! Waiting For Navin 's Call , Wanted To know what happened to poo bear (My Big Boy) Siakk ! Soo Scaredd , Call me ASAP . Filled With Homework , Argh ! Didnt Expect the weekends to be like this . I Regret Doing many things in school now . Haiys . Kayy , he will only be returning next year , so i am going to make both ourselves tired ttm . KESHAVV !!Recess Today Was Awesome ! I Miss Ratna+PRasena+Sugashini !!!!♥

Saw Him At The 3rd Busstop Today , God !!!!S ' , me want you !!

July 08, 2010


Heyy . Am back . Pavi Is Being annoying . Arrgh ! I am So excited to go tmr , but not for lessons .. Hehes . EMS + MT siakk ! I am Supporting Holland ! Mani , the kili(parrot) says so too ! IMY [Shankari , Aishah , Prasena , Davita , Ratna , Navin , Skinny Freak]♥
PS : He supports Spain .
To most of you know , i believe in 'opposite attracts ' .

Namaste Readers ! ;)

I felt like killing myself when i woke up today and saw the time . Damn Alarm Didnt Ring and It Was photo taking today .ShitShitShit! Its my luck this year . SobSob:( ! Nvm , theres still Sec 2 . just got to wait . WenXing Told Me the photo-taking session sucked . Lol . Though , I am not in the picta , I hope theres the whole schools collage album thing . I will buy it just for skinny freak , cos i love him/her like heaven . I also want the wdls sec photo collage , for 2 ppl ! Shh ! hehes . Dad Saw the photos that i cam-whored using his phone . Hehes . Watched SpainVsGermany Game Yest . Though the germans didnt make it to the finals , its great that they made it to the semi 's ! In 2o14 , I will go to Brazil and See Brazil And German in the semi's && the finals will be

' BrazilVsArgentina' ! Wooohhhoo ! Cousin Promised to bring me . I will be 17 and , waiting to be enrolled in SP ! hehes , hoping for dreams to come true alr . Anw , its confirmed that pts for 'psychology' is a single digit there ! I will work toward it . But I am taking sec 1 too easily , as my slacking year . But this is the foundation year siak . *Knocking my head* Wake Up Sheevangi ! This is Superb Random , ILOVE Shahid&Jaden !Kayy Kayy , Soriority Life Rocks ! tatas , will update tmr . && To my Sayangs , I am promtly not going to absent after this , its a promise . Catch yall l8r / tmr ! Adios ! :DD

"I just can’t hide it, oh I just can’t fight itMmm but you belong to someone else, you shouldn’t lieYou know I want it, oh just give us a tryI can’t help the way I’m feeling tonightooh tonight, tonightOh boy I know that you want more of meYou got your eyes on meBut I’m going to stayyou know that at leastGot me spacedI’m just lost in this maze"

July 07, 2010

Cam-Whoring Session .

Heyy Shawtys&Dudes !

SadSad , nvr go to school for 2 days . I didnt mean to :( Had to attend Grandpa 's 16th Day Prayer and the overnight prayer . Freaking Tiredd . Yayy , can go school tmr alr !! OhGosh , just came to know that there 's Class Photo Taking Tmr . Haiyoo , must bring tie and have to go my neatest . I guess i will appear to be a nerd . hehes . Hope , i shouldnt be in the first row . Even if i am , should be at e end . Have To Do Poster Tmr ..! IISH ! Mr Koh Called Dad earlier , heartbeat stopped for a second though i know why he called . Dad Told Him The last prayer is coming alr . hehes . Sis & Davita had their 'O's oral alr . Karthick is having his tmr , hope he dosnt flop it [;

Was just informed about homework . Bloody Hell . Have to Go Somewhr and buy stuff for proj . Lazy to go to POP . Anw , i was cam-whoring during the prayers , when the children couldnt be inside . Oops , but fair right . Cousins , and much younger sygs were staring and laughing at me . I made them join me in my cam-whoring session too . hehes . Best Part Was When i baby-sitted three of them ..8,5,(9 mths). Patted and made them sleep too :DD ! ILY kiddos ! Will Update Tmrw . Going to Chit-Chat With Mommy&Daddy ♥♥ ! Tatas !

July 05, 2010

ILY Skinny Freak !

Heyy Darlings ! I know its a millennium since i updated . Very Lazy , Haha ! Anw , might be attending grand-dad 's 16th Day Prayer today . Soo Fast Mann ! 1st week of new term was okayy . Certain stuff still nt settled down yet . Haiyas . Ohh ya , Brazil didnt qualify to semi 's . Its okay , they still rock . && they will rock the field again in 2014 . Went to watch eclipse , not so satisfying as it didnt cover atleast 3/4 of the storybook ! Haiyoo , now must wait for breaking dawn . I Love The Part That T.lautner will kiss Bella and the part that he will hug her to give her warmth :DDD ! hehes . Kayy , moms calling me . Tatas !

June 26, 2010

Am back !

Hola Peepos !
Alots to share ! But i have forgotten a lil ! hehes . Anw , grandad passed away peacefully on monday . Hmm , this is life ! The funeral went on fine . Aunty emily and keshav are coming back , they will be staying @ my place till the 16th day ... So excited that my lil brother is going to be with me and now he is botak ! hehe=P ! Hmmm, stomacha grumbling . Am hungry !!! Craving For Subways Energy Bar . Playing sorority life ! Woohoooo ! hehes . School is starting very soon!Ooh noo ! 1 month of holiday makes me feel soo good , but not back to sch . Excited to watch Pradana Vilzha , and i have watched karate kid !!Am back in touch with suga . Ooh yeah (: ANw , changed blogsking . 97% satisfied only . I gotta rush now . Tatas !
-Sheevangi -

June 14, 2010

Heyy ~~~

Hols is good so far . Grandpa is getting worst . We are praying for him to leave soon , as we donwan him to suffer any longer . Typical family conflict has started again . Dad dosnt want to involve in that family anylonger . Hmm , forget it . I am also not close to dat side , anyways . Went to visit godmom and elder sis yest . As this is her first pregnancy , she is being very worried and scared . Hope that the baby will be very healthy .*Fingers Crossed * Will be going over to spend my hols @ her place with her and ruby ka . Anw , was chatting with DaviSyg and Aishah Kak ! ;D Hmm , going to watch jodi now .

June 11, 2010

Hoping for good (:

Hey there Peepos !
Am back home with cousins , came back on monday . We really enjoyed ourselves TTM ! (: Love them , sadly ratna has to go home today .. Grand-dad 's condition is worst , doc has given time limit alr . Hmm , alr lost one of the closest one to my heart ; Granny . But hope its going to be hema ka's child though re-incarnation dosnt take place that fast . Its my belief . Her due date is on 2 FEB . Just cant wait , but on 5th Feb we will be having granny's 1 year death annivesary . I dont want anything bad to clash , oh god . *Fingers crossed * Will be visiting him tomorrow . But he will be gone for good , cos he has suffered for more than 5 years being bed-ridden . How he would have felt , furthermore that family 's having conflicts . Its okay , grandpa . We will love you no matter what . People used to tell , you would have pampered me as i was your last grand-daughter . But things changed , you fell asick around the time period that i came to this world . Unfortunate to lose both my grandpa 's fast . Only , i know how i felt . I am not close to my dad's side , but still they are my grandparents aites . Having to lose 2 people in a year is such a *suay* year . I 'll end here . Going to throw my inner - worries about "everything" with Luv-ed ones @ the swing playground . Tatas . (:

June 07, 2010

Small Girl 's gone good !

Heyloww ..

Had lots of fun yesterday , its our last day here today . So wanted to enjoy TTM , but didnt really .
Its still fine , navin left for his fren 's b'day bash very early alr !
Going , to leave soon . Hmm ! ):
Nvm , there are still other opinions . Have to go and visit keshav syg ASAP !!
Might be going to Seetha ka 's place or Shanti Ka 's place soon . Till then , boredom ! But from my perspective , i dont think its going to be . Bcos , good girl wanna study ! EOYE is not going to go easy !! DNT & GEOG 's coming up very soon in lest than a month ..
ISSH , am signing off here .

June 06, 2010

IMY Big Sista , Davita Jane & Prasena Pauline !


Will start off from yest afternoon .. Navin , Pavi , SOnia and myself went to watch shrek .
It was awesome .. Seriously , i find its nothing wrong to be an orge !
Then We took MRT and headed to WDLS ! Went to causeway pt .
We were so excited to paint our name alphabets . Navin was standing like a loner outside till we finished . !
After that , headed to godma 's house ! She was very weak ...! Hmmm...
Watched jodi @ her place . Then made a move ard nine PM ! Hope god will always be with her ! Soo yeap , had a gr8 night with cuzzies ! Was msging Big sista and Prasena Syg yest ! ILY both TTC ! (:

Today !

Woke up l8 .. Aunt bought and kept lunch for us alr (: .. hehes

Was watching recorded films and using the com now . Wan2 go and watch movie now again ! Boredom kills this hols ! But with cusins i disagree ! So tatas !

Hope cuzzie gets what he want ...
Tatas !
Small gir signing off !

June 04, 2010

A long day today !

Heylow !

Came over to sonia 's place . am being very vetti during the hols ! hehes , took travelling as a new past time .. =P
Basically yest , i was such a scared freak .. only sonia knows whyy . Then navin came back from soccer with poovindran..Was talking stuff , and watching GOA ! (:
Obviously , GOA is the best comedy killer
Sadly , poovindran lost his wallet , oops ! They couldnt find it till the end .
Yepp , so as time passed . It was alr 10 . 00 ! Navin , sonia and myself were in the room watching tv . We didnt realise that we were actually watching the retelecast of an horror series (Uyirilla) .
Till sonia found out in the guide . We totally freaked out cos only 3 of us were in the room and we started drama-ing .
It was kinda of lame but thats us ! To make it more happening , we turned off all the lights ..
I and sonia were screaming like hell with the blanket over our heads ! hehehes ! But navin also screamed ttc at the end of the episode .
Fuyoh !! Hahahs , yeah thats it for yest .
Today , i kept extending my wake up time .LOL ! Sonia ; the earlybird , woke up early as usual . Went to watch the recorded series of kallata kalyanam ( comedy series ) ... Now just updating certain stuff ! Yep , smallgirl 's signing off . tatas !
~Frienship knows no colour ~

June 02, 2010

Distance From you ! :DD

Heylow ! Went to OCC in the morning . Quite bored this time round cos only i and ash swam .
In the middle there was an interference ! =P Had a gr8 dinner , have to thank uncle paska (:
Kayy , days are running without letting me know . hehees . Karthic and grp are calling me out to boon lay tmr , i dont mind but i have to go all the way there and go back to admiralty . ISSH ! :0
Still considering , should I .. but ruba is coming ! && i dont think i should . "Kaduvalae !!"

PS: I just want to let you know , i dont wish to face you for some time .

June 01, 2010

SmallGurl 's boreed

Heylow , im back ! (:

Came to sis 's place ard 2 . Went to shop with ashley chellams ..Now talking to her and updating my stuff . Now considering going to giant . =P Alright , am a lil bored , tatas . Got lots to talk about big boy soon !

boredom strikes .

heylow peepos ! Going to sisters place now ! Will try to update from there kayy .
Till then ,

Sheevangi SmallGirl ♫

May 31, 2010


Blog 's clean alr ! Want to post very very long ! Will do it l8r on . Got the type of blog that i want .
Just my posts and Bio !

Renovaid ! =P

Blog Under Renovation !

May 25, 2010

You are making me do this !

Heylow peeps ! Grand dad 's in a very bad condition now . I have been commited to a great responsibility . Cos he's going through the same condition as my granny and i am feeling so sad as only i know how she suffered and i did when she left us . Its difficult to handle him alone , thats why i am helping alot . SO those thinking , that i didnt come to sch this week on purpose , pls do verify with me . Dont talk behind backs . I will post soon ! Praying hard and dad 's going with mom for parents meeting .. okay in miss koh's form , LOL ! ( lots of love ) hehes , sheevangi loves youh all . Tatas !

May 14, 2010

IN com lab!!

Ello0os Peepos!I was supposed to continue my post but i wont do it now.Maybe l8r or tmr..Cos currently i am hong kahs com lab now.Its damn cold here...!Got back tamil and maths results.I am satisfied with my maths result.Passed with flying colours.I and aishah did as what we promised!Weeeee~Love her mann..Tamil got an A2 again.G0sh!!3 more marks to l8r on!!

May 12, 2010

I miss hymm..

Heyyy PPL!sorry for not posting for a long time!!!MYE just ended and i got lots and lots to share!!!Will update tmr.This post was just to mention this blog has survived once again.LolX:DD

April 30, 2010

Prasena Sygg&Davita Akka rawkss ttc


Sch was okay..Cant believe i nearly passed my science test.When clarified,i'm one of the highest girls lahh.Nothing to be proud of.Half way thru science lesson.There was a false fire alarm.Rushed to field with Isnina.Damn freakingg hot sial...Once finished ran to the canteen and bought a drink.Waited for thaaniyah to eat,wnt to MT class.We were talking personal stuff all e way.After sch,met hush for tuition.But Davita Akka was ponna stress.So tuition was cancelled.Prasena Syg came outside sch.Went with her and davita to west mall.Bought hairband and earstick.Then went to another shop,akka bought for me herself and prasena earings.Tks ka..!I told her to choose.Then,in that shop they sold like 6 pairs of ear sticks for $1.5o.I felt so heart pain sia.Nvm,will go with daddy to IMM and buy tmr.Then went hme.Msging prasena sygg all e way!Love her and akka lots mann.Looking forward to may 16th,only prasena knows:DD

Exam week this coming week:


The others will update soon!!:P

Coming monday no school...Weeeee!Till then tatats!

April 29, 2010

I LOVE Davita Jane!!!

Heyyy!I will be posting pics i edited and the front view of my hair!

Imma Chyna Doll Again!

China doll(Backview)
Front View L8r on.Cyna doll!!!
Yest Tamil Paper was Average lurhss.Left from tution early as mom wanted me back home early.Went to cut hair Yesterday:DD Its like very short and nicee to me.I felt as if i have got back my old "China DOll' hairstyle.Weeeeee !Some ppl say should have cut shorter...Next time la.Cos during the hols i wanna colour my hair.Thaaniya syg was wanting and excited to see my hair.I promised to show her tdyy.Unfortunately,Couldnt turn up for school today.Haish..Woke up,got ready already.After drinking milo,had a terrible stomach siaaa]:
Sry,all my loved ones.Esp to davita akka,i will turn up tmr.Tatas might post l8r...

April 26, 2010

Nurul Isnina

Rawk on my "Yuyul Goldfish!":DD
2nd Post Of the Dayy!Was chatting with isnina goldfish earlier on.Love her mann.She has the attitude like me.Hehs.She said i am a gr8 friend.Weeeee:D.I know i over reacting lahh.:P
Anyways,thanks isnina.You have been an awesome fwen too.Keep on Rocking Beb!

ILY Prasena Pauline!

ILY Prasena BBY!
Weekends were spent @ OCC for shanti kas b'dayy bash.Really enjoyed.Best Kaki Was Prasena Pauline!ILH lots.MYE EL today.Not bad,the summary part was tough.Mommys on her way home.Wednesday,gonna get a new haircut.Woots.Gotta go.Oh yes,tmr will be coming hme late cos of tuition with Davi!

April 22, 2010

Knees are soo bruised!

Heyy everybody!I have decided to post almost everyday to keep this blog alive.But for one week i cant really update as its mid year exams alr.But after that,i'll start.Its confirmed that Davita akka's going to teach me tuition.Starting frm tomorrow.Weeeeee:D!Today...
This week is damn unlucky for me.Today i almost faced death, and i cant overcome the fear till now.Gosh!I was crossing the traffic light to meet shankari.Dumb me walked when the 'green man' was blinking...So when it was 'red man',i had to rush.I didnt realise the road was jaggered.I tripped and fell flat on the road with both my hands and bag!!!Can you imagine the pain?Only i know how it felt and feels now.It was burning bcos of the impact.People around me were like "are you ok?",in embarassment i said "yaa.".Sorry kind souls.Fortunately no vehicle moved and i escaped death,Ouch my both knees are hurting me so much.I had to come during school hours due to the pain!First period was english,filing stuff as SA1 EL is coming monday.Ohh!Didnt tell teacher bout my bruise.First lesson only Shankari,Wen Xing,Jolene,Nual and Aishah knew bout my bruise.Sooner more people came to know bout it..second period was PE,which i couldnt take part in for heavens sake.Was watching and supporting Thaaniyah&Shankari.Shankari came in first and Thaaniyah came in 2nd.Recess bought lychee tea then went to relak at star centre.Called mom and said i couldnt tahan the pain.She ask me to take a cab back.After Maths class test i balek Kampung..Ate lunch and i am soo tired now.Letting my poor knees rest!(:
Adios!Tatas.Will be uploading photos soon!

April 20, 2010

DavitaJane Rockks!

I Love Davita Akka!
My 2nd post of the day.Had lotssa fun after school esp when davita akka came.Only i went to do maths wit her.Then she was asking whether i want her tuition.Which means i can change tuition and mom agrees with it!Weeee~tired now.Will continue this post.Tatas.

Thaaniyah sweets♥

ILY Thaaniyah Dyal!!♥

Heyy yawr readers!Was inactive for a few days,i know.Sorry,had lots of test!I didnt do well for maths test.But promised Mommy,Daddy and Mr koh that i will do well for my mid year!(: In school com lab now.Soo noisy and irritating.The boys playing the chipmunk version of the songs.hhas, but frankly i liked the bad romance.Beside me is isnina.Thaaniyah was telling bout her perosnal thoughts earlier then we couldnt stop laughing when ganesh showed all his monkey stunts.Wakaka.Ate maggi soup with thaaniyah.Will be staying back with hush to get maths help from davita akka.thaaniyah also wants to stay back..Weeee~Maybe will be practicing the dance thingy.Hmmph!Tatas(:

April 12, 2010

"Mr Chicken's" totally gross!

Sheevangi Sk
eh,mr koh wear the same shirt everyday right?
22 minutes ago ·

Ken Lee
yea -.- he does'nt change ,
21 minutes ago ·

Jolene Wong Xue Yi
gross ... ken also right ^^
18 minutes ago ·

Ken Lee
LOL of cuz i am right ,
18 minutes ago ·

Sheevangi Sk
Jolene-Agree with you!hahax..jk:P
17 minutes ago ·

Jolene Wong Xue Yi
hahahahah! mr koh suck ttm. correct correct ?!?! tyty^^
15 minutes ago ·

Sheevangi Sk
Absolutely correct!!Welcume[!]
3 minutes ago ·

Greetings!Hehs.Today was as per normal.Didnt meet up with kams as her phone was confiscated.Darn!Recess time drank choc milk.Was having terrible hiccups during phys class.We have always realised mr.chicken wears the same shirt.Grouse siaa.He is only giving us our test paper tmr.OOh..nervous liao.He burned the last period by long time stories.Weee!Had to get back own lunch .Am alone at hme now..Uploading fotos in Fb!

April 11, 2010

Gonna get a new hairstyle in a month time!

Holaa!Tuition in 40 mins time.Sis is having it now and she looks tensed.hahahs.Now its confirmed that i'm gonna get my touch by end of the month.Weeeeee~Hong kah won the tamil drama competition but sad that i couldnt get the tix in time!Haaish was scolding me why i didnt buy the tix earlier:(!Nvm..There will be another time.I'm freakking hungry.Dad's cooking nasi lemak and the smell is awesome.Arrgh,i wanna gobble it.Hehhs.*stomachs grumbling*I can only eat aft tution damn.Kk..gotta end this post.Will be posting how my new hairstyle is gonna be.Will getting it in a month time.

April 10, 2010


Happy 7th Wedding Annivesary my sister!Love youh!
Ps:I chose this pic of all cos i kind of liked it alot.But vinod baby was extra!Hahas
*Woots*...More than 100 posts in my bloggie already!Weee.I told ya i wont be posting today but i managed to.Mom and i woke up early and whacked-a-do a good breakfast.Pavi woke up late.Dad had to go and check on his man.Switched on the com early.Ard 3 went to IMM.Bought Ice blended and checked out books @ popular.I wanna save money for the time travellers wife.Came back home ate lunch and half an hour ago helped mom make quay salat.It was yummy:P!Daddy came back and now we are going to discuss about my student plan thingy.Will post most probs on monday.Tuition tmr,and i have not completed her homework.OOps.Gonna complete now.Tatas!

April 09, 2010

Her phone has been consficated!

Heyy yawr readers.A quick post now.I wont be posting over the weekends.School was gr8 tdy.Khams returned back..Will continue on monday!adios:]

April 08, 2010

NPCC Plege!

I'll skip to NPCC.NPCC was tiring yet damn fun.Have to memorise pledge for promotion test.It gonna be the end of school week alr.Weeee!Feel fresh after bathing.Kams didnt cme to school tdy.Accomponied nual.Now gonna buy dinner and drinking choco ice blend(:
Will update and mommy's @ home tmr.Wee!Tataaas!

April 06, 2010

Sony erricson Satio:DD

Greetings Earthlings!Back to school today was a gr8 feeling.Sonia Darling called me up yesterday.She told me a piece of good news.Finally she bought a new phone.She was wanting for a touch phone and she bought a samsung itouch.She was telling the student plan she took was a good buy and was convincing me to take that line.Hers is 'M1'.She knew that i was a prepaid girl who refused to take line before.Told mom about it.She said she will take my phone.Now i am totally excited to get my new phone.I am considering sony erricson 'Satio'.But better not have high hopes.Oh god do grant me my wish!:D Have to wait till end of the month.Had maths common test 3 tdy.Not bad.But so far this was the best paper.I was dozing off during science lesson.Exhausted.Ooh yeah!School starts @ 9.30am tmr((:

April 04, 2010


Baby,Are you down dowm down down!

Ellos E'body!Its another decade since i posted.This week cos i came over to sista's place.But i will update alternately as promised with effect from next week.Lolx:D As i said school pressure has increased.Going to have a tough time for SA's.Having tuition @ 3.Was listening to my old time favourite hits just now...Kayy,i really miss my grandmother soo so much.I have never been without her for this long.I dont know how i'm going to get along with it.

March 27, 2010

Happy belated B'dayy!

Happy 30th B'dayy hema ka,Love youh!!

Today's quite a long dayy for me.Woke up left to IMM bought assesments books,memory card and usb cable.Ate lunch,came home now rushing to suntec to get important stuff for hema ka's suprise bash and the gift.After gotta dress up and go for the party.Woosh..

March 26, 2010

Pheww,after construction!

Holaaaa!Blog just returned aft construction.Not able to post at the moment.Will try to post alternate dayss.Its a promise this time.But if a day skipped,Do excuse me ppl.SA1's are near the corner,

March 18, 2010

Shantika rawks mann!

Yawr!Went to Orchid Country Club with shantika,uncle paska,ashley,pavi,sonia and navin.We swam there for more than 6 hours.Soo shiok sia,at first i was damn freaking scared to go on the slide.All of them were encouraging me soo ,much especially this navin was pulling me.Thanks alot ppl,ILY.Finally i overcomed the fear,woohoo..Bowling place was fully booked as some competiton was going on.IT was such a greatt dayy.While going bakk to shantika's house was checking my phone and there was a miss call from hong kah.Called back and they asked to call on the next working dayy probably because it was late alr.Went home,helped shanti ka update her I-phone.Yeahh,soo should keep the post short and sweet.Adios..

March 15, 2010

ILY Shantika&Ashley,Muahh!

Heyylows Dudes(:!I'm at shantika's place now.Ashley kutti is right beside me now.We had lottsa fun today..She has dance class tomorrow,last minute only.damn!Will be going to orchid country club on wednesday with ratna darling.Will post soon,tatas!

March 12, 2010

Khamilah's soo nicee(:

Hanged out with Prema and Khamilah darling after school.Lepak at khami house there then go home.Ate lunch,wanted to use the net to update my cyber world which i am addicted to:P.Now need to bathe,mom and dad coming back home fast to bring me along with them to woodlands.Will stay there till late.Now,i gotta run,times up bebeh,heheehs!Tatass.

March 11, 2010

Convers between me and prema!xoxo!

She is demanding me to come to school.hahahas.

March 09, 2010

Flu,shoo shoo!!

Yawr readers!Hows life for yall,mine suckss for today!Having a terrible flu.Hope it recovers by night.Fingers crossed.Took medicine already,probably gonna rest for awhile to feel much better.Tuition for last week was postponed to today but only sis will be having as i am not feeling well.I guess mine will have to be tomorrow.Disappointed as didnt do well for 2nd hist test,damn got to work harder.Hope Isnina and Aishah lasts long:]!I am counting the amount of tissues i have used and its countless,issh.Cant blog anymore for now,getting more sick.Byeee!

March 05, 2010


Kk,running out of time ppl..Today made cupcakes,and the first attempt was a success.Mommy was glad.Will talk more abt this post soon.!