December 28, 2009

Its a big shopping tomorrow,yea!

Sony erricson T707,I want!!!
Peepos,I gotta make this a "Short" post.Went for registration at hong kah the other day and to my suprise there are more fuhuarians than i expected.I am in class "1D".If i am not wrong there are only 4 express classes-1A,1B,1C,1D.Theres one fuhua boy in my class but i dont know who is he.Saw enemy,he/she is in the same school but diff stream.I wish myself goodluck!Who cares about it right now anyways.I know i'm mean sometimes but theres no other way.Going to get bag,waterbottle and school stuff tomorrow.Yeah,going to check out my black shoe.Mom promised me a converse shoe for school.Might be getting a new phone but not sure.F.Y.I,My phone is totally dead!Anyways,I am in the 'alpha house'.Christmas was fun,finally recieved my earing stand.Now at cousin's place.Gonna eat lunch soon.Stomachs grumble,havent eat breakfast.Thats why.Okay,I think times up.Taata!

December 22, 2009

Hola peepos!I know it's a long long long time since i updated and posted.Just gimme some time,cos my com's dead and i'll get it repaired soon.Lets talk about what's happening recently but i have to keep it short.Kay lets start with PSLE results.I got 193.Was not satisfied but still happy that i'm going to express.The most glad thing is that i passed all my subjects and finally got an 'A' for English which was slipping off my hands so easily.And for school choices i wanted Hong kah so it was my first choice and others were just neighbourhood schools too.Mom and dad were very surpportive with school choices.They went on with my wish.But mom also wanted "Hong kah".And yeah not self praising,but i am very lucky as i have been posted to hong kah.I know it's difficult to get your first choice.Phew.Cuzzie didnt manage to get her first choice but she got her first choice which is "Swiss cottage" the school that i wanted to go before i changed my mind after getting my score.But then i told her that it would be tiring to travel from woodlands to bukit batok as days pass and classes icreases.But i guess she's fine with it.Today went to collect PSLE cert.Not forgetting,sis is going to sec 5 with 13 points(:.I'm happy for her.I am going to buy a new backpack for next year,i dont care*.heh.And its gonna be billabong.Checked it out already,$59.90,its with 3 compartments.And for water bottle Nike or addidas.Kay i think i gotta run soon.I'm going shopping with mum and sis at suntec.Basically would be for christmas.Will be bak soon.Tata.

November 18, 2009

Its gonna be the last day..lets enjoy it to the fullest!

Hey guys!Its been long since i posted..It's going to be the last day of school tomorrow and it's just so sad!Guranteed that i am going to tearD:.The days run soo fast..But i hope that we will keep in touch.I am soo going to miss my 6 Loyalty'09!!!Not forgetting mr.ho too:)IT's result day next thursday..that means a week more to go.nervous yet glad.My aim for tomorrow is to camwhore wif classmates as thats the only little chance.hah.Soo today I,syahirah,Nigel and masayu were having a talk between us.We were talking bout confessions*!!And yea will get back here soon maybe with photos uploaded cos now i gotta run!BuHBye!;D

October 22, 2009

Heyy peeps!I'm back after a long break..isnt it?;)
Soo..will be uploading some of e deepavali picsss!Check it out..
Yest went to watch "aadhavan" and it was just too nice!Love e hotstuff!Should look at his solid body..ISSH! watch it's more than worth it.Believe me.heh.Gracias;DD

October 15, 2009

Happy B'dayyy IRDAWATI:DD!

October 14, 2009

Is it going to be exciting this year round!?!

Heyss!Watssup PPL!I am back from the break..but this post's going to be a fast one as I am really rushing somewhere!ISSH!PSLE's over and I feel great.Whats up next,My B'dayyy&Deepavali!Woohoo a combination..looking forward to it.Now grandma's in the hospital and I'm going to visit her.Bcos of her not being around healthy with us this year for deepavali..i guess it is not going to be exciting at all.BOO~It already seems like it's not going to be excited..but it's always better to hope for the good yea..soo wait for the upcoming post..till then GOODBYE!

September 29, 2009

This blog would be dead/inactive for 2 weeks!


I'm taking a break from the net.No more Facebook/MSN/Blogger so on and so forth!!Now it is going to be books in my hand.It's only one more week more for my major papers!ZOMG! ready to see this dead blog till 15-16 days.But if you have to be linked or anything..just tag me as my chatbox is not gonna be dead!GoodBye.Jiayous to all friends:)

"Ana behibak"
If euu were smart,you'll know what it means.
Till then..BYEEE!!!!!!!!!!

September 24, 2009

My barack obama<33

Hey ppl!Long time no post!Muahaha!Wont be updating for a long long time till 12th October i guess..soo euu have to wait!!!Soo just tag me if you want me to relink.Dayss are going fast..friends are getting loose!:P Love euu guys!Esp..him!Flying colours..jia yous!

September 17, 2009

Mr Independent,Thats why i like him♥

Alot of things have happened in the past few days!!Sad..Funny..Happy..Disappointing.Yesterday there was this excursion for PSLE improvement for tamil.It was from 1.30 to 5.30 at clementi pri.We girls wanted to sit at the back of the bus but the boys were "Gentlemans" who sat at the back row knowing that we wanted to.Soo after we reached there Mrs suresh went somewhere and the thing started.Teachers took turns to come and talked about every ok and kinda fun.I felt wierd for the whole trip as i was near to this person everywhere i went.He/She suddenly made me blush and i didnt stop it!hahaa..My prepaid finished and i waiting to top up..cos mom actually wanted to..but i told her that i will rather by the $25 card that has an amount of $100!To the ppl who messaged me sorries for the late reply..cos my batt was dead and i didnt see my phone.Bestie messaged me asking "Do u still like "erhmm"?!Not once but twice..And i think someone is asking her to as she asked me this quest two days ago also.I think i gotta mind's confused!
PS:Gaya,Why do u worry if tl teacher knows about ur relationship??It's notanyones fault that she came to know about it..The person u thought who told felt very upset cause she was the first one to be very scared seeing euu different in the bus.soo its up to euu to decide!

September 11, 2009

Neoprintss..accesories..badge..friendship bandss!!!

It was kinda fun today!Went to jp with Geetha and gaya3!!As usual..took neoprintss..then played this stupidd game!!funny ahhaha!Walked around bought ice cream..badges..accesories..frienship bandss!!Bussed back home with geets as gaya3 took another buss!Hanged ard with her under her block for awhile.Her puppy was soo adorable...Issh!Will be uploading the photos soon..!Off to "Pasar malam"(i guess thats how it is spelled..:P) with sis((:..TOODLES!

September 07, 2009

Hmm..whos the lucky one to get MJ's gloves???

Omggg!!!!!!!!Someone get me a ticket to Australia and give me $$$$$ too!!!!I am dying to bid for MJ's gloves!Unbelivable..they are on auction!Hmmm..Guess who's the lucky onee.I hope prince jackson and blanket will take over thier father and be better..soo by then i will be earning and will afford to get anything that belongs MJ.Maybe larhss..HAHAHA!No more words..SPEECHLESS!

September 05, 2009

Editings are not perfect yet!

Found few perfect skins..Soo i tried out one at the moment.I had no time to do all the editings..
Will be back soon to finish it up good bye((:!

September 04, 2009

I wish i was invisible as you make me feel!

Tamil marks was a blast to me..i nearly teared!Sakinah,thanks for your support.Atleast i remained in my "A"!In el class today we got back into groups but new groups.Some of them were iscolated.I am sitting with nigel.Infront is Syahirah(:.Tamil only i changed seat due to some relationship prob.Now am sitting at the other corner of the class...Mr Ho is such a killer.OOPS!Its true.He asked us to finish 5 worksheets by monday.2 maths booklet..2 english booklet..1 science booklet..IISH!Monday-Wednesday there's supp lessons,8.30 to 4.30!I hope i gain something from it.Earlier opposite school I,Ley yi,Farhan S and sakinah were talking and playing..suddenly the new DM i guess Mrs lim came and gave a lecture.IT was soo____!After she left we couldnt stop laughing..!Went back home around 4.15!

September 03, 2009

Let's chalte chalte!

Dayss have passed..Times are passing..Many things are happening..There's only a month more for PSLE!prelim results were disappointing!As I said to some,we are not going to gain anything by regretting now.Dont be hard on yourselves ppl!Now's the time to do your revision!Kay,i am not advicing like an adult or being studious,it's just that i know how the experience is(: Nowdays I feel weird to go to tamil class.Till now..i regret why 07Aug'09 existed!haiss.I'm really missing someone's jokes now.Now me and that person are like we dont know each other.It's ok he wants to be like this,I'm fine with it.Oops..I confessed that it's a him.Nvm..let it be a HIM!I am still thinking...

WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now i dun know what was i trying to do.I guess i'm getting crazier everyday.Dad's away..and that makes me 20% more crazier.;)!I guess tomorrow's PE will be more than one period!WooHoo!!!We P6's need a break in a whole week of studying K!I'm scared my express dreams will be burnt..!!!I better be positive minded la!Yesterday..went for granny's 84th B'day!Love her lots!Nowdays i am trying to save money..i dunno y.Deepavali's in a month time.One day after my B'dae..*Wee*!hehe.Will be giving my tailoring costumes soon.I wanna try something new this year.Oh no!Talking about deepavali,I just realised that it is PSLE marking day on my B'dae!!Disappointed and a lil happy!!haha..i know i am odd!There is this phrase that i forgotten after some time and just remebered it recently..!How i could i forget it!!Shit..I still have 3/4 of my homework to complete!

We are travelling down the love lane,it's time to chalte chalte!!

August 31, 2009

Happy Teachers Day!

Omie..bought all the gifts for teachers and ended up not going to school..err!Kay what happened in the past few days..

Friday..was sister's b'day.We pretended like nothing's going to happen till in the evening mum brought out the cake.The cake i recommended eh!haha.Soo after cutting the cake,sis became emotional seeing elder sister's gift.It was not was "Giftss".She first brought this box..and i thought it was a shoe box,but when she opened it there were varities of expensive girl stuffss!I felt a lil jealous..but i know my time will come soon.In all the gifts that elder sis presented to sis,i loved the shimmer puff and the DKNY purfume!I got sis the cookie monster keychain she wanted..she loved it!Sis loved her sweet sixteen!

Saturday...Alice's b'day!Went to meet her at Ivory height.Once Xiu mei came,we bussed to JP.The bloody bus driver closed the doors before i and Xiu Mei could go in.Fortunately,Alice told the driver that we were taking that buss..It was embarrasing!We took neoprint..and i fell in love with this drum game in the arcade..haha!I and xiumei loved using our hands to hit the 'thingy'.Left JP ard 6:10..The best part was Alice and Ye li didnt know that they were taking the wrong side train and went into the train thats going to Joo koon..By the time I,Xiumei and Chendana could say anything to them from outside their doors closed.We waited for them to come back..Meanwhile,we were laughing out our stomachs!!hahhaah!Then went to Chinese Garden,I loved the slidy slidy thing.haha..i dunno what thing is that.But i couldnt slide down with my sandals..soo we took it off.Around 6:30 walked back with Xiumei to the bus stop.We were chatting bout.....and relationship problems.The day was great.

Sunday...The haircut that i wanted..and trimmed my fringe.Off to teachers day shopping.Basically today,is supperr BORING!Fought with sis..Another big problem.Day's are running and there's no school tomorrow!

August 27, 2009

Finding a perfect gift is seriously complicated!

Phew!Prelims are over..but not PSLE.I'm disappointed with my maths marks...Mr Ho was advicing me during recess.soo yea..i should do more practices!I guess i will be getting my tamil and english marks tomorrow.Soo good luck to me.heh.Tomorrow is sis's and banie's B'dae.Happy advance wishes to both of you;).Teacher's day is coming soon and am still thinking what to get for mr.ho...!Today,i didnt manage to tell the proverbs to mrs.suresh in class.Soo after school went with Sakinah,Shaminah,Gaya3,Geetha,Reena,Sharsha,Farhan,Vinoth and Megallan to tell the proverbs.Joel and nasreen escaped but they are going to suffer tomorrow:PBasically,the day was awsome!Awaiting 2moro.Bye peeps.
-I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life.-

August 24, 2009

Would I do well for my tamil paper this time?

Maths paper was not bad.But i know the mark range i will fall in.'-'......Today while walking to school,I dont know why but i walked super fast.Err.It was embarrassing.After a long time,I went very early to class.Saw the malay pupils talking about fasting.Only then i remembered that it would be very bad to drink in front of them,soo i better not forget and drink infront of them.Alice and Denise changed their specs.But i preferred alice's old specs.:)SS lesson was basically about other language and most of them were not listening.The class became noisier and noisier.Tomorrow will be MT paper 1&2.A little scared cos,Mrs suresh only told us that we have to memorise all proverbs today!And i'm a little nervous i wont be able to memorise it in time.*Getting even more scared*!Not forgetting science on wednesday.I am really hoping for good marks this time....I guess i have to do a rush through again!
Yea,dad's going off for his trip tomorrow.sadsad.:(. Hope he will return early.
Do your best everyone!

-Somewhere,something incredibe is waiting to be known-

August 23, 2009

The particular person...

PSLE oral were just over.People,dont relax yet.There is still prelims and main papers for PSLE to go.I am not asking you to pressure yourself..but people please study k!It depends on your mind and soul whether its positive or negative!Anyways tomorrow will be maths paper..I am hoping to do my best.Aiming for a B.I am studying seriously hard to make myself happy and also for this person who wanted it.:).So followed by Mt and science,prelims will be over this week.and yea,All the best peeps!;)

August 19, 2009

I hate you and at the same time like you♥

Err..i am soo stressed with two matters!I dont understand anything...
Tomorrows EL oral!I hope i do my best!Everyone do your best too!
PS:Dear this person:
Please do well!I am telling it to you through i cant speak to you in school!

August 18, 2009

"I had a bad day,I sing a happy song!"

Today's paper was quite easy.Except for 1 or 2 components.School was fast today!Probably because supp class was cancelled.While i was crossing the road outside school earlier....this group of__________________.Thanks!It is already over and i dont understand why should they still!ISSH!Went home a little later..No mood to blog alr.Anyways 2 more days countdown for PSLE oral!
Wish me good luck kays.heh.

August 17, 2009

Surroundings keep you bothered

Eyoh!Friday evening..went with dad to temple,was annoyed by sight of some peep.But atleast the person is much better attitude wise.Over the weekends there was much work to do.But to admit it Saturday i was doing some other stuff.Only on Sunday i got on with assignments and revision.Soo Sunday was soo exhausting.Immediately slept after dinner.Soo today banged onto people who i didnt want to see while going up to class..err!In class..was waiting for mr.ho to come as usual he came after awhile..Soo using that time those who didnt finish homework completed it.Lucky,I didnt get caught.heh.He took over the social studies period today.We were revising the English paper.He was scolding us for our simple grammar mistakes.As PSLE orals are this Thursday and Friday..we had a 40 minutes briefing in the hall.I hope no one from this particular class in my group.Obviously there will be..but i am not hoping the majority!Soo after briefing..there was approximately 20 minutes left for MT.Believe it or not.Today i behaved like i didnt noe anyone from my tl class except for sakinah and my tamil teacher.And i think it brought the best for me!Tomorrow is our prelims el paper 1 and 2.Zomg!Its so fast!
But i guess the faster the more benefits.I am preparing my best.But it is last minute!I am seriously nervous for my is going to be people we dont know.Can you imagine that you are with 2 strangers in a big wide room facing each other!It is a little freaky..As for english oral,prelims it was 26 so i am aiming a 29 for PSLE.For tamil prelims i got 40 and above.Soo now it should be 45 and above!(:I belive i can do do everyone around me!Kay flying colours to myself and everyone for this weeks examsss!heh.Dont relieved..and dont bother bout whats happening in your surrounding!I better dont go on..or else i will start to emomuahaha.
"Jia You"peeps!

August 14, 2009


Hmm..alot has happened in just 2 days.Yesterdays trip was fun.I didnt sink..but my leg got stuck at a moment!Issh!Saw the tiny crabs..and yay!Supp was cancelled!Soo went back home straight!I was dirty!Sis chased me to go and bhave first..haha.I wanted to update few things soo i used the com awhile..Dad was furious when he came back.Probably the culprit is is his birthday!Happy B'dae dad!Today was a disaster.Day started off well..but ended badly.It is actually a confidential matter.It was all like a theatre drama.All the ones who pissed me off were like the actors and actresses in the drama.I am soo tensed.Thanks to those who ask me to chill up.Hugs to Mrs Suresh for helping.Love you♥. Came back another big problem.some misunderstanding between me and friend.:(.
Hopefully is all settled!Hope for the good....
Planning my weekends..theres alot to do.Its going to be a little tiring.

August 12, 2009

50% AssHole!

As what i expected my life in fuhua is soo dead because of some people!
To a particular person"You want to show attitude,go on!Its your fault that you listen to rumours and jump to conclusion k!I can still live in this world!".Thanks to the one who supported me.School was horrible.Tamil class was a bit of lecture...Today 6 Loyalty had late recess at 10:30AM.Only our class was at the canteen.Was waiting for school to end....Bussed back home..Mom asked me to accompany her to IMM.Soo we went.I bought a top and handphone strap for my old handphone strap's buckle fell off.Mom bought me and sis and herself Body Shop body scrub and lotion.I love the flavour she bought this time.We went to get her a top and she couldnt make her mind..soo she was asking me.I picked the one with a bow below.So we bought it and walked back home.Mom was delighted as the top fitted her well and not as she expected.Since the time i came back home..i have not stopped messaging..just paused a while ago..i hope i dun nd to resume!As for tomorrow..the pasir ris mangrove excursion!Excited yet terrified to go.Those classes that went earlier said that some of them sinked to knee level.Touchwood!But if i am the one who sink..i will definitely panic the next second!Heh! I am soo freaked out!Hope everything goes well larhs!Waiting for daddy to come back. Home is in a chaos!OMG!Should get ready for tomorrow..good luck to me and 6 Loyalty!hehes.

August 11, 2009

Why did you have to do it!?!?

I dunnoe y i get sick always on public holidayss..The virus passed from mom-sis and them me!
Err!Anyways the holidays were good.Bascially what happened was...

Saturday 08/08/09
Went to sisters place...All the cuzzies gathered there!We had our shiokalicious lunch at aunts place then played games...In the evening we watched and went to causeway point for swensens ice cream.All of us ordered there was a variety..Little sangeetha ordered this kids ice cream called "Volcano".It actually has 4 different flavours ard the plate and in the middle there was this cold ice thingy which allowed smoke to come out!Soo suprising to me!haha.
I ordered chocolate crunch which was soo chocolatey and nice.Advise to everyone" be a chocolate freak if you want to buy Swensen's sticky chewy chocolate ice cream,cos my cuzz bought it suffered finishing it up!".After the ice cream our stomachs were all filled.Then walked back home..But we were all too high and hyper active due to the ice cream!!It was freaky.
Somehow we were back to our normalselves..hah!
Started our day late....played song games..and the got complicated!Till now we dunnoe who won!
Cuzzies went back home in the night..while i stayed at aunts place...Monday morning bussed home.That afternoon..i got my nightmare again.High fever..from mom and sis....
Soo sad that i couldnt go to school.urrgh!Missed important lessons!?!?Cos i know that there are revisions going on.I should catch up eh!Soo took medicines and rested...But..woke up as geetha kept sending me msgs..and i had to reply as they were soo important!:((!
PS:Whoever who betrayed me...Y did you have to do it!?!?My life in Fuhua is ruined!

August 07, 2009

I trust my dearies♥

Todays NDP parade was superbb boring!Except for the song section larh!There was a little argument between classmates!But i told alice not to its no point.After we returned to class...We had the dont forget the lyrics activty...followed by a quiz..!After Mr Ho dismissed us immediately went to canteen to quench my thirst.Didnt even have time to drink...had to go for tamil supp class..!We were supposed to do compo test..but i admit it..i Farhan and geetha were talking all the while..hehe..So i wont be doing well for this test,:(.After finishing the test...everyone rushed home..But some were still in class..then mrs suresh was taking photo with everyone...((:.Soo ard 12 walked with geetha and gaya3 to the 7/11 busstop...but only geetha was taking bus..i and gaya3 went to NLB to meet denise,Alice and Xiumei.Slacked there for awhile..Then we walked to IMM..But there was a big terror..Miss Taha and Mr Ho were patroling there.Soo we quickly ran out like idiots!heh.They wanted to take the short route to go to chendana's hse..But it was really a wrong decision.Our legs kept getting stuck in the mud..A few of us nearly sinked in!!Freaky!Now i know how is it going to be in the Pasir Ris mangrove...!errs!We went to chendana's hse..then just was talking talking...!All of them came to know bout my deep seceret!Damn..But i do trust them!Reached home bout nearly 4!
And i have lots and lots of assignments to complete!:C

August 06, 2009

"Farhan you better dont betray ehs!";)

Wow..its a week since i posted..The week went pretty well.Wednesdays maths test was fine.
But i did much better.:)For all the tamil practice papers i have been doing this week i am scoring soo well...Mrs suresh was overwhelmed as she was and is confident that i can be cosistent in my marks.haha.cant believe it.Todays sceince test was complicated,Mikhail was soo irittating during PE!Hated playing badminton with him.throughout the game,he was singing "Goyang Goyang,Goyang Gopala,Goyang!".Issh!Once again, MIKHAIL i hate you today.2moro there will be NDP celebration in school..It will be my last NDP celebration in Fuhua..Actually it is half-day tomorrow but mrs suresh asked us to stay back to have compo test for 50 mins!ya soo it will be from 10:45a.m.-11:45(estimated).After that will be going out with Alice,Denise,Irdawati.....and dunnoe who else.hahaha.I noe it stupid not to know who you are going out with.But thats me k!
Soo..i am still finding for my P5 NDP shirt.Hope i will find it..Today's Mangrove swamp briving made me freak out!I heard there are chances of rare insects biting...WTH!Anyways Farhan(6 Joy) promised to chat at 5.But he didnt.And in school he still could say"You better go kayy...if not you see what i will do".I should have said that to you asshole!hees.I hope he did not tell whatever i tell him today to anyone!!!Its seriously confidential!Though its a long weekend...we pupils are filled with homework!!!!Pity us eh!Awaiting 2moro yea!
PS:Mommy thnks for the milkshake.

July 30, 2009

My damn index finger!

Hey yawrs!School was well soo far.Expect for yesterday,i didnt go as i hurt my finger terribly.Dont laugh at my clumsiness ehk!I didnt realise that my hand was in between the door,and slammed with a hard impact due to the strong wind.Thats it.My index finger was a gone case.I felt that i was going to lose my hand.The hold hand became a blood clot.And the particular finger turned blue-black.It was soo freaky.Till now i cant use it to hold or touch anything.The best part was when i was suffering in pain my sis was laughing out her stomach.Darn her.haha.Today had sudden maths test which mr.ho took it soo seriously.Most of us were pissed off as we ran out time.Haizzz.Jus a few more quests.Anyways I am relieved and happy as for tl oral got above 40.
Congrats to kasthuri darling for her success of 48/50.Keep it up yea!Dad just got back my phone from the sony erricsson company which is soo near to my house.I will be going to get my 4GB memory card soon.Yea!Kies gtg.

July 27, 2009

Love story'09

Today was freaky..My class was tested oral after recess.Mr.ho was one of the testers.So a afternoon session relieved my class.I kinda dislike her.We were given geometry worksheets to do while waiting for our turn.The two teachers who tested me are some unknown teachers.I have no idea whats their name till now.haha.School gave us the new ezlink today..and you know what!!!I felt like throwing away the card.I looked completly awkard.Its ok.Thats how i am still.
If i had the chance to change the pic i will definitely will.I cant be overwhelemd as el oral is over.Bcos this is just prelims not PSLE.2moro is Prelims TL oral.OH NO.Mdm Vanajah&Mrs Maran.They were once my mt teachers and i know they have high expectations.P6 tamil peeps please do well kay.Wish you all good luck and love y'all.Mrs suresh has set a high target for me.I better do well.After a period of time i have started crushing on someone.*SHY*.But i better do this after 12 october.I know abt me..when i concentrate on this stuff,i will drop in studies.So i will give the priority to studies first.My love story pauses....!Supp lessons are cancelled this week.
:)..But actually i am the one losing out.So ..a little sad larhs..haha.Dad just came back..He bought soemthing for teatime.I should go check it out eh!
Awaiting 12th OCTOBER!(She's too deperate ,more than that)

July 25, 2009

Its wierd eating a bitter lollipop k!

Today got up ard 10.30!So we decided to take late breakfast.I and daddy went to get the food.
After breakfast..started off with assignments.Not forgetting monday is Prelims EL oral.
Mr Ho kept scaring us that day with alot of freaky news.Mrs suresh asked us to practice our reading in the PSLE book.As monday she wont be seeing us and tl oral is on tuesday.
Omie!!2009 is soo soo fast.Anyways yest Mrs suresh gave all of us these lollipop that has different flavours.I got vanilla.Poor kidos who got chocolate,they didnt realise that its dark chocolate.hehe.I mean i do love dark chocolate..but its quite wierd to eat a bitter lollipop k!
soo..yest after school i was hanging out with shaminah opposite the school.We were talking craps.
I dont deny that actually we were gossiping.But thats what most girls tend to do!Bussed back home at 3.Mummy was sick.But she felt a lil better after a rest.In the evening we went for a badminton game.But it was so not fun due to some reasons.In the night followed mommy to clinic to get a MC for her.Bought back slurpee for me and sis.A while ago dad asked me whether i wanna tag along with him to IMM.But i prefered to watch the hindi movie.hees.
Soo now finding for blogskin and its not soo easy...Hope i will find a perfect one soon!
PS:You have to be perfect in appearence even for oral!

July 22, 2009

Dont under estimate fat people ehk!

Sickkk.Didnt go school.Thats what i am today.Darn.Prelims are nearing and i got to fall sick.Wow.What a suprise.Mom just came in.Probably She took time-off today.Yipee.Most of my close ones are also down with fever.):4 more days countdown for the liverpool match in Singapore.I dont understand how you people got soo much time on earth to be soo ahead in pet society.err..forget it.Recenlty i have been eating alot.i should stop it.If not i will end up like a huge fatso.But,dont under estimate fat people ehk!Prelims oral are on this coming week.El will be on monday,tamil will be on tuesday.Err.I hope i can cope with it.Pavi's back.I guess i have to accompany her to the snack luck ppl for your upcoming prelims!Do study ar!

July 19, 2009

Basically yest..went to catch Harry Potter and the half blood prince.It was great.
But the characters have changed alot indeed.Ron was such a betrayer in the first half of the movie.Went for the movie with dad and pavi.After the movie met up with mom.But before that,most importantly we bought doughnuts!!!hehe!2 hours ago i was eating my double chocolate donut.I will be eating my mouse choc ltr.Back to yesterday..Went to masala hut for lunch.The chicken biriyani was superliciouss!Thanks mom and dad for the fabulous lunch!After that pavi bought pants for her then cabbed back home.Watched Jillunu oru malai,,then did the art clay thing.Cheated a lil..haha.cos mom,dad and sis helped out.But i still did most of the stuff ehk!Den had light dinner which was heavy to me and dozed off.I still have 2 more assignmentss left.I hope i will finish it in time.
PS:Confirmed with nabilla for the liverpool match.(:

July 15, 2009

"I am getting my watch"

Just came back from school and off to aunts place.ISSH.Asiriyaye was back.In the evening will be going to IMM with mom and dad to get myself some stuff.:))Hope today will end well!!!Adios!

July 14, 2009

"You only hurt"

School was per normal.Asiriyaye didnt come today oso.Sadsad.:(.Went to sakinah's class.We were supposed to do work but didnt,we were talking all the way with kasthuri...Today went to lab to this report thing and mr.ho said this will be our last com lab lesson untill PSLE is over.err.Didnt manage to finish painting the clay during art lesson.Had maths supp.It was superb nice!Then was talking with alice and Ley yi opposite school for awhile.Then mom called me to say that she and dad will be going carrefour.I took '52' back home.Didnt manage to finish my toblerone but brought it back home and finished it.I hate pavi!!!!!!She resembles a devil to me today!Will be going out with sakinah during the weekends.Dad said he's bringing us to watch Transformers:Revenge of the fallen.Finally i am going to watch it.Yay.

July 13, 2009

My new addidas watch!

1 I didnt change my blog skin

2 The skins are irritating

3Doubting whether i will be able to update continuosly

Bascially what happend those few days....


School was great!For PE we played baseball and group was defending.The opposition were strong soo we had to play carefully.But whatever it is..i feel sad for my shoes!haha.Ya they were all muddy and grassy as we played in the field.Eww!Luckily i got permitted to wash my shoes. Hmm the rest of the day in school was mr.ho's!At home nth much happened.Suprisingly i dozed off early..


School was awsome!SS was boring.Pe rocked as it was our turn to play.I couldnt hit the ball in my first attempt but the second one was good.Haha syahirah died as she was talking away.Its ok she still did her best.Yay I finished the round and i was a part of the point.But sadly that was the last baseball game.The relieve teacher has something wrong in her brains i guess.She brought us down for recess and brought us back.WTH.End up we didnt have recess till mr.ho came and brought us down.Then only 6 Loyalty was in the canteen.After that we went to the library to borrow a sports book.Tamil class was fun.Hehehehe I cant take it until now how mrs suresh looked at farhan when he said "Power sia sheevangi!"Hey group members thanks to me for my 87.5/90 for the tl paper!".No larhs eu three did well too!Came back home had slight fever.But i took medication.The rest of the day was nt soo gd as i fet nauseatic.


Granny came with her maid.Navin tagged along too.I did all my assingments by saturday.

The weekend were more than awesome to describe.lots and lots to say!

Went to school early.Tl teacher didnt come today.I felt very wierd in school today.Dunno y!As usual had supp class.But forgot to bring back my clay home.*WEEPS*Went back home with Sakinah,Arthi,Le min.I feel very free today.Haiyoo.Mom and Dad will be coming ard 9.Gm is lost in her world!oh god!The maids Milo is diluted.Thats why i always ask mommy or sis to make me milo.Kays.Sis is waiting to use the net!!!No more stories.Yay i am gonna get my new addidas watch soon!Byesss!

July 08, 2009


Hey peeps.Apologies for the improper blog!Didnt have the time to edit.will do it 2moro.Thanks!(:

I am not feeling any connection

Today went a lil late to class.During music lesson shared this 'School house rocks' video thingy.She said has a liking for this song"I dont belong".Tamil class seating is soo boring err.But atleast at my corners there are geetha,shaminah and sakinah.hehehe.Shaminah's finally back after her rest at home.Sat with tl students during recess.Before going back home we went to science lab.The experiment was kinda boring but had no choice you know.Went home alone today as i felt really really different and wierd today.Mommy will be back home very late and i wont see her till tomorrow.haiz.!Nvm.Daddy's still ard.(:Must catch todays red thread.Oh ya..did i ust forget about homework..Shit..i gotta run and finish up all assignments.How gundu can i be.err!I guess i will changing blog skin soon.Finally satisfied as parents has happily agreed to stop my centre tuition and apply home tuition.Actually they have applied ready!Thanks alot(:!
Soo i am not going there anymore.
Ps:Pavi thanks for putting MJ's moonwalk as the cursor.;)
To Alice:Have linked you already!

July 07, 2009

"Wats wrong with a girl and boy talking closely?"

Ugly Nerd!What a candit!!!

I guess this is the last school holiday of the month.The weekends were great.Fortunately i finished my loads of homework.On friday during tl supp class..everyone came to this conclusion.Its a little wierd to tell it here.I and farhan were like "wats wrong with a girl and boy talking closely?".We have been close since like primary 4 and we do tend to talk very closely.Kay.forget abt that issue.Haiyo...i have been eating lots of fastfood now dayss..Time for me to cut down ya.But mom just called to say she's ordering pizza tonight.issh..actually i should be happy.haha.Poor pavi she is filled up with lots of HW.hees.I have become a FB addict.I cant help it.I am getting millions of notifications in one day.errgh!I am laughing at my own reflection in the mirror now...hehehe.Lucky no one saw me!They would have probably thought i have contracted some diesease.Thinking of changing blogskin.gonna explore some nice ones.BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!((((:

July 03, 2009

-Hope is there-


I am currently damn buzy.But i still blogged as i was in this page viewing updates!

School was good.Dad just came home.He bought C.Ice blend and waffles.Thank You.
He looks different to me after his hair cut.Probably..I didnt see him after a haircut for a long time.
Kay..have to get back with homework.Navin wants to come here 2moro.Hopefully mom agrees.
Awaiting tomorrow..(((:

July 02, 2009

"Rock With You"

Hey ppl!I didnt post for a week as my blogger went superr crazzy!Today school was fine.During music lesson, showed us few MJ's first moonwalk.And all those "out dated" ones started saying" WAH!".At first i was happy that nobody's sitting beside me in class,but today mr.ho asked wayne to sit beside me.I was like"err..hmm.nvm!".haha.Atleast,he's better than some other people. Tamil class rocked my day.Joined sakinah's grp for the day as a few class were out to S.centre.Tl teacher was telling how she was before her marriage.she said now she cant be as playful as before infront of her daughter as she's catching things fast.I do agree.Nowdays kids are too clever.Currently doing homework...and chatting with prema.Have to go for tuition later.IISH!'s getting excited..Probably because i'm richer...ehehe.Pavi just came back and has gone missing.Mj's sudden death triggered me.Those people who made him suffer like hell are soo_________.Now going back to my conversation.I dont want tension.

June 25, 2009

"Glory Glory Man United"!

aww...My stomachs soo full at the moment.Granny made me eat dinner when i didnt want to.err GRANNY!It's ok..she says the best!(:I am with my cuzzies nw.Was supposed to go for a swim today but it was postponed tomorrow..soo just slacked,played soccer and badminton.Ard 5-6 we just went to Grab some snacks and Grannys maid came along..actually she was quite a extra calefare.hehe.I know i am bad at times.I dont know y ppl tink jus bcos C.ronaldo went to real madrid Man.United is gonna lost.Itssoo nt right!Man.United has much better players out there.
So i will still say"Glory Glory Man United"!OMG...the quizzes in FB are going mad!I guess they have contracted my usual disease.MAD.COW.DISEASE!hahas.I hope i wont wake up late 2moro as how i waked up today.Actually i do get soo irritated when i enter cuzzies room.He has filled his room with liverpool stuff.What to do.Thats what die hard fans tend to do like me.He gets soo excited then ronaldo has left.Soo what huh.I still like him.I feel that vasanthams afternoon shows are soo soo boring.I'll rather watch some dance videos!Wow..its like oni 5 more days for skool..damn damn damn!I hope that time stops.I am craving for donuts again...hmm!I am sucha Donut Crazy.Maybe in future should marry a donut factory owner..!kk..i am jus jk.Cos.i better nt say anything.shh!k,sonia if eu are reading this blog..i jus wanna tell you that i am sorry for jsut know.i didnt mean it but i was too pissed off.Omg facebooks getting more and more and more and more popular.I can find my whole family in facebook.WTH!k.i shld go do something with my darlings.Sayonara.=DD

June 23, 2009

"Y are the 60% of students soo dumb??"

Once again...its a decade since i blogged..Didnt hv the time!Sry ppl.Btw,Happy Fathers Day!2009's running damn fast..and i seriously hate it!err.Prelims are soo near and i have to get prepared.The holidays were nt bad.Bintan trip was cancelled due to the increase of H1N1.40% of students wants the extend of school holidays but the remaining 60% does nt.I am with the 40%."Y are the 60% of students soo dumb??"!Nowdays i dont know who to believe and who to nt.will be going over with sis to cuzzies place.
Shld be going to yishun for swimming.But its confirm gonna be bored as there are only '2' pools.Sis is nt coperating with me!She is soo soo annoying!!kay..i have no more words as i gotta go.BYE!